About me
You are unique, if you were meant to do life like someone else, you would be someone else. But you’re not, you’re you.
And at the same time, you are unique enough, you have nothing to prove. You don’t need anyone’s permission to be you, only your own.
Every birth chart is unique just as every human being is unique. You are always enough just the way you are.
There isn’t a chart in this world I don’t find fascinating, that I don’t love analysing and in which I can’t find the gold.
With me there will be no readings full of doom and gloom, focusing on your pitfalls or prejudices about certain Zodiac Signs. Every sign, every element, every modality has its own wisdom and is needed in this world. Your Soul purposely chose this cosmic make-up. There are no bad placements. I will help you understand why you run into certain things in life and from which wells of strength and wisdom you can draw to go through your life’s journey with self-trust.
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My name is Deidre Gubbels and I’m an astrologer, writer and artist. My greatest passions in this life are stories, creativity and diving into the inner workings of people so that I can help them accept and love themselves as they are and find their way to walking their brightest path.
I believe that if every person in this world could live according to their heart’s inspirations and their true gifts, we would create a better world in all ways.
Astrology, for me, is the most wonderful modality to help people in the way I feel called to. I see and understand the world and people through the lens of Astrology. Through Astrology we can analyse and then re-synthesise, we can see how the parts, and the way the parts interact, make the whole.
Most of all, I love helping people be more kind to themselves than the systems in this world teach us from a young age.
Living your true potential begins with being kind to yourself, seeing your unique talents for the value they have and empowering yourself with permission to be who you are.
a reading with Deidre will be kind, empowering and enlightening.
I approach Astrology in a very intuitive way, I combine the knowledge I have of the celestial movements with trusting that the parts of your chart I’m intuitively drawn to, is what I need to help you with. My talent lies in translating this all for you in a way you can integrate this into your life in a practical way. Each and every reading is a precious and exhilarating experience to me and each client’s heart I touch, is one that touches mine in return. I am profoundly grateful for the fact that Astrology found its way onto my path and that it turns out to be my best way to help people as I’ve always wanted.
Astrology came to me like a wave, my love for it building gradually at first and then as the tide rose, it grew very intensely. My Nodal Return coincided with the beginning of the pandemic and my artistic business came to a halt very abruptly after having stagnated several times already in the years previously because of different circumstances.
Over the years a restlessness had grown, a knowing I was missing a piece of the puzzle, and a longing to help people in a deeper way. The isolation of the beginning of the pandemic caused me to return to my Nature spirituality roots, to expand massively upon my basic knowledge of Astrology and to turn to creating purely for my own enjoyment. All of this mingled with musings on the grief processes I’d been going through over the last years.
At first I did not start to study Astrology very consciously, it was an intuitive process in which I just kept following my desire for knowing more and more and increasingly seeing everything and everyone through the lens and language of Astrology. It was as if I was remembering rather than learning.
Certification as an Astrologer turned out to be just a formality I needed to become conscious of the fact that I had been studying and learning Astrology for a long time already and that I was ready to start helping people with it.
For me, practicing Astrology is a blend of loving the intellectual side of it, the constant thirst for knowledge, with my intuition and empathy and my strong desire to do my part to create a better world. I do that by helping others accept and love themselves the way they are. We are all here to contribute to a better world. No contribution is too small or too weird or too insignificant. But you can only make it if you let yourself embrace the talents that you have instead of striving for the ones the world, your parents, your boss or whomever, have told you, you should master.
Deidre’s Signs
Aries Sun | Virgo Rising | Cancer Moon | Taurus Mercury | Taurus Mars | Gemini Venus | Sagittarius Jupiter | Scorpio Saturn | Sagittarius South Node | Gemini North Node